My head has been wrapped around the conflict that modern technology has brought to our society. Watching Oprah a few weeks ago, I was impacted by a comment that one of the nuns made, as that particular episode focused on woman who chose this path in life. Oprah, after showing footage of what the sisters give up when they leave their traditional lives, asked what it was like to come back out into the world and see Ipad, Ipods, laptops and cellphones. This one nun responded by saying that she left the life of a corporate executive to follow this calling. She already had laptops and cellphones and believed that these inventions were meant to free up time and in turn free us up, but instead they have taken away so much time and keep us chained to our jobs and other connections (most far less important than our non-cyber relationships), 24/7. Needless to say, she doesn’t miss that. Personally, I find myself very conflicted with all the modern technology and social networking and how dramatically it has changed the world at large!
One of the first things I do upon waking in the morning, is sit down to blog. I love sitting with my glass of water or my cup of coffee and just starting the day off by organizing my thoughts and being connected with you. Generally, I find it a peaceful part of my morning “routine.” This morning, I found myself enjoying reading the paper, spending time with Mitch and walking around the last Parkland farmer’s market, for this season. Several times I thought about sitting down to blog and then reminded myself that it is quite fine to NOT be so regimented and just be present in the moment.
In our constant struggle to keep up with the ever changing advances in society, it is more important than ever to keep our focus on our “third eye,” in an effort to make balance a little easier. As with diet, and exercise, as with most everything in life, it is certainly important to have a routine that works for you, but it is just as important to not allow these routines (or these technological devices!) to completely rule us.
Enjoy a well balanced day, or a day that balances out the rest of your week. However you have to find your balance, keep practicing. I certainly know that I have a lot of work to do in this department.