After taking a lot of time off from blogging, simply because it felt right, my head is now bursting with things I want to share. First, and foremost, I hope that you are enjoying a peaceful and happy holiday season and that wherever you are geographically, there is warmth in your heart. We totally enjoyed being able to see “the kids,” around Thanksgiving/Chanukah time and feel very grateful for that!
Over the past few months I have been practicing daily meditation and it has become a very grounding part of my morning routine. Blocking out EVERYTHING (at least trying) and finding those tiny spaces of total nothingness is actually, the very antithesis of nothingness. Between meditation time, getting ready for work and spending some much needed time with the big red dog (who isn’t as young as he used to be) there has been no morning time left to blog and I have struggled with inspiration (and energy) in the later hours of the day. Recently, I have been approached (thru the site) by some different people and companies with requests, ideas and just the inspiration I have been looking for.
The one thing I want to share with you (and the world) today, is what I think is the very best news story I can remember seeing and hearing in…well, in as long as I can recall. Once, maybe about 30 years ago, I had a dream that I was running down the streets of Manhattan, looking frantically, for a place that sold a newspaper called “The Happy and Fun Times.” I always loved the concept of just telling GOOD news, so that dream has stuck with me forever. Fast forward to this week and there comes a story fit for the front page of a paper such as that, the top of the hour television news and a viral video that should be read, heard and seen by all!
So, if you haven’t yet seen the story about what West Jet did to make their passengers holiday extra special this year, you need to stop whatever you are doing and watch this video. Do not multitask, just take a few minutes to be a part of this happiness. This company deserves huge kudos for showing the true spirit of Christmas. Viewers beware; you may want to have some tissues handy.
To think, I didn’t used to believe in Santa. Shame on me. If you know a disbeliever, please share this post and video with them. Let me know what your reaction is. (Remember, your comment may not automatically appear, but they will..) I always love your feedback.
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I’ve seen this around but hadn’t taken the time to watch … Thanks Bon for encouraging the view. I loved it!
Glad you did…I am feeling like the whole world can stand to watch it and feel good 🙂
Saw the video yesterday-How awesome is that! An airline going all out for its passengers! Makes you believe in humanity!
Yup, Judy. There really are some good guys (and gals) out there! This video was proof. I am sure it’s wonderful marketing for West Jet, but wouldn’t it be nice if everyone spent their marketing money making others happier?