…feel it…feel the vibration.
Everything holds energy and a vibration associated with that energy. When our thoughts, emotions and actions are positive, we raise our vibration. The higher our vibration, the better our immune system and the healthier we are. While it seems like a kind of “out there” concept, in fact it is science.
Often people will comment to me that their own bodies just don’t fight colds well, or they get every virus that goes through their home, or they always get a sore throat when traveling, etc. While we can’t change external variables, we can definitely change our own behavior and thoughts, and ultimately improve our immune system.
While things like dancing, eating healthfully and laughing all raise our vibration and help make us healthier, we can never underestimate how powerful our thoughts and emotions are, as well. Having thoughts of fear, anger, resentment, hate, jealousy and shame all keep our vibration very, very low, setting us up for physical and emotional illness. Change your thoughts and you can change your life. This is basically the concept behind laughter therapy and laughter yoga. Force if for just a few seconds, and in the blink of an eye, you actually feel much lighter and happier. It turns out it is really hard to be sad, when you are laughing. And those seconds of laughter will lead to more positive thinking, which will in turn make you healthier!
Here’s what happens with thinking. We think a thought which leads to another and within a very short time, we create a story. It takes under 20 seconds to flip the switch. So if you find yourself thinking negatively, (certainly we can see this in just a few minutes of the news!) catch yourself and change the story to something positive. One positive thought should lead to another. YOU control this. This is your superpower, whether you know it or not!
What are you doing to raise your own vibration today? If we all raise our own, just a little, not only will we all be happier and healthier, but we will aid in the energy shift happening to our Mother Earth.
Let’s be the change we all desire! Much love….
I love this information. One of my very favorite things to do is to laugh. Yes, it increases the endorphins in the body and assists in the wellness of a person. I used to teach laughter yoga at BC and what really amazes me was that a forced or “fake” laugh has the same positive effects as a “real” laugh. So, laugh either way and enjoy all the great benefits. Lol
you’re so right – always, always choose laughter!
My favorite Bonn, I Lobe the Way You Write!
Everything you said is so true and so powerful!
I Believe in everything you said and I am so trying to lead a more positive, more happy, carefree and healthy life.
Can’t wait to talk later and catch-up on all our wonderful adventures. Love you. ❤️❤️🌷