Years ago, listening to a Deepak Chopra meditation, he posed 4 questions as the participants meditated upon them and the answers that would flow into our heads, 1 question at a time. Since that experience, deeply impacted, I have asked, answered and shared those 4 basic questions with friends and family as well as students and clients. They some times show up at the end of a yoga session. It’s entirely possible I may have shared them here in the past. The thing is, the answers are forever changing. What comes to mind one day, may never again, or may every time along with some new ones. Today, I share them with you, in hope they can, over the course of time, help bring you some added clarity, as needed.
In a relaxed state, resting in any comfortable position, ask these one at a time, silently and repeatedly, and give yourself as long as you want in between to allow messages, images, words, memories, wishes etc., to flow freely into your mind’s eye. Don’t try. Don’t force anything. Just relax and let whatever wants to come through, do just that. Don’t judge and remember that NO ONE knows what you are thinking, except YOU.
1) WHO AM I?
I don’t want to say to much more about this today. I want to let your experience be all your own. I do want to suggest as you ask the question repeatedly, you tweak which word you emphasize (WHAT makes me happy? What makes me HAPPY? What makes ME happy?)
There is so much to learn about ourselves in doing an exercise like this. I promise you will get a lot of answers to your questions right away, but only over time will you really sort out which are labels, which are in your head and which are coming from your true soul. So try to take a couple of minutes regularly to do this. When you figure out what makes your soul happy, DO MORE OF THAT!