What do you think of when someone says the word yoga? Most people immediately get the sense that yoga is all about twisting into a pretzel, but yoga is so much more than movement, in fact much of yoga is in in the heart and mind. Consider the word santosha, which translates to contentment, or appreciation of what you already have and know that yogis believe that cultivating santosha leads to “supreme joy,” or the ABSOLUTE.
The best part about santosha is that we can all cultivate that attitude of gratitude by simply making it a part of our daily existence. I am putting out a challenge to myself as well as all of you, today. Just for this day, let us work at finding ONLY the good in things. Sure, we all know that it’s unrealistic for any 24 hour to be filled with ONLY good, but just for this day, let us all try to overlook what isn’t and simply focus on what is.
So for me, so far my thoughts are like this: I slept pretty well…I woke up before the alarm clock rang…I am on schedule for my first appointment…my computer is working well…my coffee tastes excellent…I have a closet full of clean clothes to choose from…and food in my fridge and pantry…and though I could go on, I am certain you get the picture. Let’s do this together and see how much good we can all find in this day…it is, after all, Saturday and if we can’t practice santosha on this day, when can we???? Much love everyone. Hoping you find more good in YOUR life today than you ever imagined possible.

Bonni, I love this idea!! I am so grateful for a myriad of good things in my life and I do express my gratitude every day. It REALLY calms my body and mind when I stop, take a moment and…….”smell the roses.”
Rita…I think it was YOU who bought me my first gratitude journal many, many years ago. It was the start of something big. I am forever grateful to you for that and about a million other reasons, as well. Thank you. Thank you.