The Pill Mill nightmare has a lot of attention in today’s Sun-Sentinel. Governor Scott, enough is enough. All you have to do is enforce a data-base that was already approved and is (was) ready to be put in place in December. His decision to NOT put the data-base in effect makes me wonder who he is connected to? Why not use a tool that is working quite effectively in so many other states? Why does he want people traveling from Kentucky, Tennessee and other points north and west to OUR state to purchase and sell pain pills? Many people who voted for our governor (not me) are now sad and disappointed that he is not representing THEM. To the 3 incredible women who founded STOPPNOW you have my utmost respect for your NON STOP efforts. My heart aches for yours, for your losses and for your frustration, but I see you in the newspaper more and more and I am certain your steadfast efforts WILL be instrumental in forcing change. This week’s arrests were hopefully just the tip of the muderous iceberg.
Finally, good news about menopausal hot flashes. Apparently women who experience them at the onset of peri-menopause and menopause are LESS likely to suffer heart attacks or heart disease. Well, that certainly is good news to me who has been playing “covers on, covers off,” while sleeping these past few years. Honestly, the sweating is not too bothersome to me. After all, I sweat for a living!
Mitch and I took a ride to The Boys yesterday and even though shopping there on a weekend is total chaos, it was worth it all. We spent $65.oo and got several new plants for the garden, (cilantro, lavender, cucumbers and field greens) and tons of goodies at excellent prices. Cucumbers and lemons, 25 cents a piece! A basket of deliciously ripe, red and sweet strawberries. Gorgeous heads of leaf lettuce, brussel sprouts, avocados, asparagus and celery. Perfect baby eggplants, sweet tangelos and loose portobello mushrooms the size of dinner plates. Seriously. We also bought some fresh bialys for this mornings breakfast and fresh squeezed orange juice to go with. Mitch just toasted his bialy and it smells INSANELY YUMMY. We got a great deal on sweets (chocolate jelly rings that are usually 5 bucks a box at Publix– 2.99 a box at The Boys) for Thursday night dinner/dessert. The boys that come to VFT love those! The store even carrys Tofutti cream cheese which I needed. What a bonus!
So last night I halved the brussel sprouts and the baby eggplant, cut up a sweet potato and mixed them all together with some olive oil and fresh herbs from the garden with a sprinkle of salt. I roasted the tray at 425 degrees, mixing them around every 15 minutes or so and roasted them about 45 minutes in total…till they started browning. Along with a huge salad and 2 artichoke halves (grilled with garlic and olive oil??) that we bought pre-made at The Boys it was such a colorful, healthy, low in calories, and most importantly DELICIOUS dinner. I can’t even wait to put together tonight’s fresh veggies…asparagus, portobellos and the rest of the brussel sprouts.
But first, the bialy. It is my Sunday morning splurge and I am ready. If you live in South Florida, you have to hit the boys every once in a while. Take a few deep breaths before entering. Be careful of shopping wagons and crazy people!! Then just get in a zone and enjoy the bounty of great deals and gorgeous foods…not just fruits and veggies, but also meats, poultry, fish…a full bakery and a coffee shop and lots of wine,too. It’s definitely not just a store, it’s an experience!
Wherever you are, wherever you live, enjoy YOUR Sunday. Do something special, or nothing at all. We all deserve a day that is different than the other 6. Enjoy the Oscars! I’ll see you tomorrow — here, there or somewhere…
If there were Academy Awards for veggies, brussel sprouts would definitely be on my list of nominees. For more info about them, click here:
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