I see a theme. A country boy won this season’s Celebrity Apprentice and another country boy is projected to win this season’s American Idol. Does this mean an opera singer will win Biggest Loser? Or is one of the contestants a little bit country? You can all tell my mind has gone a little crazy waiting for tonight’s finale…of BL, that is.
Because I am so fixated on tonight’s finale, I was particularly interested in the article Carol sent me about the connection between happiness and compassion. Is that compassion element involved as we watch people re-invent themselves from unhappy, unhealthy and defeated, to happy, healthy and successful with second chances at life? I think it is. I think it has everything to do with that vagus nerve that goes straight to our hearts and makes our eyes tear up. It gets me every single time.
I once remember Carole W., telling me about how we really give of ourselves because it makes US feel good. Something some philosopher once said…who was it Carole? Maybe some of us are born more wired to feel good about giving, but maybe all of us would benefit from exercising more compassion in our lives. It seems that when behave in a compassionate way, our brains light up and happiness follows. Perhaps you can give some thought to this as you go through your day. I know I will be.
Tonight one of these four will be a quarter of a million dollars richer, but all of them are so much happier, healthier and more terrific than they were last year!!!
Sisters Hannah and Olivia, Irene and Jay. Who will be the Biggest Loser?? GO GIRLS!