The past few nights I have revisited a pre-bedtime routine that I have turned to now again through my entire adult life. A dropper-full of valerian root and a cup of Sleepy Time herbal tea. The taste and smell of the root is very strong, so I wait until my tea is ready and I pour the dropper-ful into a tablespoon of tea and drink it quickly before I start sipping my tea. Not only is it helping with my sleep, but it’s a nice relaxing way to end the evening and there is no morning hangover! Valerian is easily found in any health food store and the tea is available there or most anywhere you shop. If you absolutely can’t handle the taste or smell of the Valerian, you can find it in a pill form, too, but I have never tried that, so I can say how well it works. If unwinding, or getting a good night’s sleep is a problem for you, consider this natural, no prescription needed, inexpensive, age old and most importantly non-addictive alternative.
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I, also, drink tea to help with my sleep. I usually drink Cozy Chamomile..BUT………Mother Nature calls me throughout the night. That is the problem I have with drinking night time tea. lol
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