In fact, a study done at the University of Helsinki, reported that Optimists are less likely to suffer from high blood pressure or other early signs of cardiovascular disease than pessimists.
Every day we have a choice. We can get out of bed on the wrong side, or the right one. Which side we choose will determine how our day unfolds. I believe we all have different chemistry, but I also believe that each of us owns the ability to be happy.
Each of us also owns the right to be the very best we can be. Our physical, mental and emotional well being are determined NOT by what happens around us, but how we choose to react to what happens around us.
In my business, almost daily I run into people who have just set out on the fitness/weight loss/get healthy journey. I an wholeheartedly excited for their chance to choose wellness over illness. All too often, moms especially, are so busy giving all their time, love and energy to their families that they feel selfish taking care of themselves. Beware the trap, as you all have a right to be happy and in order to be happy, you have to be healthy and you have to take care of yourself, too! In fact, if you don’t take care of you, how can you continue to take care of everyone else?
Yesterday a long time, long distance friend called to ask me a simple question. “Why with grown children, a husband and a full-time job am I still doing everything for everyone?” she asked. The answer was obvious. If any of us keep doing things the same way day in and day out, why would we expect anything to change? I think the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
Today I challenge you to smile when it’s hardest and make your health and happiness a priority. Stop feeling selfish for taking the time to go to the gym or for a long walk with a friend. You not only have a right to be healthy and happy, but you owe it to your loved ones and trust me, when those tight jeans fit again, you won’t be able to help yourself from smiling…and you might even end up being a great inspiration to those around you. After all, what everyone really wants more than anything, is to be happy. Within you, today, is the power to start something very contagious.
Carole says
When I realized that the the only thing we can REALLY control in life is how we react to things – my life changed for the better.
I decided to choose to BE HAPPY… And since I made that decision, I became just that – Happy! Unreasonably so! It makes EVERYTHING in life easier!!
And now that I see that my happiness IS contagious, even those ‘smile lines’ that I carry around are a source of happiness for me…
So I’m with YOU Bonni – let’s all keep on smiling!
Rita says
Bravo!!!! Smiling is definitely contagious. Smile and the world smiles….so thanks for sharing this happy message. We really need to smile and be grateful for each and every day!!! Also……….being able to LAUGH each day is also very important….but that can be another blog!!! 🙂
Carolanne Renson says
Have you ever smiled at the person in the car next to you at a red light? I love it when they smile back 🙂 and I laugh when they frown ;(
I’ve been making an effort to smile more (it’s part of my quest for balance) and I’ve been successful for the most part. Work is the most challenging place to be happy, but since work has been slow the silver lining is that I get to surf around and read great blogs like this one 🙂
Thanks Bonni – See you Saturday