Kids may not always listen to what we TELL them to do, but you can be sure they are always WATCHING what we are doing. One thing Derek and Kyle always knew about me what that working out was not an option. From their youngest years, they were filling in the blank with FITNESS INSTRUCTROR, when school forms asked their mother’s profession. Also, from their earliest years, they never heard me complain about work, or working out.
So, today it makes me happy that Derek and Jolene have found an AWESOME (super awesome) gym in their neighborhood that they are joining. This facility appears to have everything…and then some more. I am also very excited that Kyle and Nicole are resting up today as they participate in their first half-marathon, in Disney, tomorrow morning. That’s such a big deal! The feeling at the finish line has to be amazing….
Their participation in fitness may or may not have ANYTHING to do with mine. I get it. I read the 4 Agreements! Still, I feel good about the behavior I modeled… at least when it comes to physical fitness…
Remember, that even when you don’t know it, your kids are watching and learning from YOU.