Summer ‘Rememberies’
After everyone has a smokey cookout at Chip’s house,
And the grown-ups make music on their guitars for singing and dancing,
And the children take off their shoes and run around the backyard catching lightening bugs in the dark —
Then, it is a very good time to be Happy.
And that ‘then’ is a very good time and
A very good feeling to remember
—Mattie Stepanek (July 17, 1990 – June 22, 2004)
“We have known kings and queens, and we’ve known presidents and prime ministers, but the most extraordinary person whom I have even known in my life is Mattie Stepanek. His life philosophy was ‘Remember to play after every storm!’ and his motto was ‘Think Gently, Speak Gently, Live Gently.” He wanted to be remembered as “a poet, a peacemaker and a philosopher who played.” — Former President Jimmy Carter who delivered a eulogy at Mattie’s funeral.
Mattie, I will always remember you as all those wonderful things that you wished to be remembered as. What muscular dystrophy took from your muscles, you made up for in every other way. We will all celebrate Labor Day a little bigger when a cure for these diseases has been found. Thank you for speaking from your heart and your ability to make so many people listen. In just a short 14 years you made a huge contribution to this world and a huge difference in my life.
Wishing you all a happy Labor Day. Get out there and make some of you own Summer ‘rememberies.’