It’s easy to say “live in the moment.” It’s not easy to explain how to live in the moment, and for many of us that is a challenging task, but one we must all work on in order to truly achieve inner peace and open ourselves up to the multitude of blessing we ALL have. Getting in touch with the rhythm of our hearts or the rise and fall of our chest as we breath, without judging or trying to change anything is definitely one way of detaching ourselves from external influences and seizing the moment. Another way is by treating every act, especially the simplest ones as sacred. Used in both Hinduism and Buddhism, svaha, is often chanted as the exclamation point of a mantra. Svaha translates to “so be it” or “hail,” and is used as a way to offer thanks for the most humble of activities, hence elevating the importance of those most basic acts. This morning I think of it as I lift my morning coffee to my mouth and just savor the moment. Somehow, it makes the already wonderful ritual of morning coffee that much more special and captures the moment.
I hope you will give some thought today to stopping in your tracks and taking a moment to appreciate even the most simple activity that you take for granted. Personally, I am realizing that there are many who do not have the luxury of a morning cup of coffee, which makes me also appreciate having a computer, a roof over my head and the luxury of time to sit and connect with all of you.
This is the beauty of svaha and another tool for our “living in the moment” tool box. Never take for granted the simple things, for if you stop and think about it, most of our lives are simply a chain of simple acts, which when woven together form a beautiful tapestry.