THANK GOODNESS IT’S FITNESS! I would like to offer up gratitude to my husband, who’s hard work and ability to endure the corporate world has allowed me the privilege of pursuing a dream career, void of much stress and abundant in fulfillment. I realize how many people, each week, recite the TGIF mantra, as they are truly working for the weekend. Happy Friday to all of you. Hope your weekend offers you the balance we all need in our lives. Always keep in mind all the wonderful things your job affords you. With the rate of unemployment remaining in the double digits, we must be thankful to have work. Personally, I feel incredibly lucky to have TOO MUCH work!
I would also like to thank Jane and Rita for coming out and taking class yesterday at Fusion Fitness and Yoga. Your support means a lot to me. I would like to thank Kyle for spending a little time on my website yesterday. If you are in the market for new sneakers, you may want to read the article, IF THE SNEAKER FITS, BUY IT! Thanks also to Carole, for the beautiful words she sent in email yesterday–great job on your workouts and weight loss and welcome to the P90X experience. Thanks to Derek and his friends for bringing their youthful energy and appetites to Vegan Feast Thursday.
Enjoy your Friday. Remember to keep balance. Find a way to fit some peaceandfitness into your lives, daily. Spend quality time with your loved ones and what you miss during the busy work week, make up for on the weekends. I do believe it’s true, that when we are at the end of our journey on this earth, we will never look back and say I should have worked more.