While last night’s Biggest Loser spent the first hour watching the contestants go home and then having their trainers come visit them, it was the second hour that got me screaming and jumping up and down! Sure it was great to see them going home to their supportive families and witnessing no longer “FAT Vinny” propose to his wife but it was definitely the second hour that had me screaming “go Ramon, go” and jumping up and down with excitement as ALL of this season’s contestants (one or two that I hardly remembered) competed in a full out marathon with lots of incentive to win. Not only would the first place winner get the only guaranteed spot in the finale, but also a cash prize of $25,000! Walgreen’s actually offered cash incentives to the first 5 people to make it across that finish line, and they were all impressive amounts. I won’t go blow by blow. I will say that most of the contestants did a great job of persevering! A couple of them were pulled from the race by Dr. H., as he felt necessary, to prevent too much damage to already suffering joints.
Shame on me for not having the faith in my boy Ramon, that I obviously should have had. Watching him catch up and pass Courtney (who looked great, btw) I was overwhelmed with excitement and joy. Prove me wrong, Ramon, and hold on to that lead…and he did! Watching him come through the finish line first, I was grinning from ear to ear and my poor animals left the room as they don’t like it when I yell. I hardly ever do it…but they were screams of joy. YES YES YES RAMON! With an extra $25,000 in your pocket, we will see YOU at the finale next week. Walgreens gave out over $50,000 in total! Congrats to all the contestants on a job well done. A marathon for a group of people who just 12 months ago couldn’t walk a mile. AMAZING!!!
At the final weigh in, it is Becky and Vinny who fall below the line and get sent home, while Alison reminds them that they still have a chance to win the at home prize of $100,000. Based on the looks of everyone at the marathon, I don’t see a clear at home winner. Most of them looked like they still had some weight to lose. The final 3 who will compete for the grand prize of $250,000 and the title of THE Biggest Loser are Antone, John and Ramon. John looks the most transformed to my eye. He has really done an incredible job body, mind and soul. Antone has that competitive edge from his football days. But Ramon, it’s Ramon that I’ll be routing for next week, just as I have all season. Having picked the winners the last few years (from very early on in the season) I hope I got it right this season, too. Love you, Ramon. I hope Jess really does, too.
What a great surprise and treat that yogi Jon came to class last night and pulled out his handmade (by himself) wooden flute and softly played as we rested in shavasana. He also presented me with one of his CDs so I will have that for class long after he has left us for points south and west. I actually slept like a baby and I am sure the lull of his flute had some effect. He’ll be back for one more class on the 20th. Since that will be the last one of the year (I will be taking off the 27th) it will certainly be a wonderful way to end another year of “stretch reduction.” If you are local, I hope you will join us. I couldn’t help thinking that his coming, offering to play music and leaving me a gift of his CD, all best define the definition of Namaste…offering one’s brightest light to meet another’s. Thanks, Jon.

How delightfull Jons flute playing was last night. Can’t wait til he comes back again! The class was great as usual and I know all of us went home in total peace. Sleep came easily for me as well. Namaste…