I subscribe to a fitness newsletter written by Paige Waehner and here’s what she had to recently say. I totally agree and couldn’t have said it better myself. Though she highlights the total body ball stretch, I think her sentiment is that ANY feel good workout is important to keep balance in your weekly routine. In the p90X routine, Tony Horton gives you and option for a rest day, or a day to do his X stretch video. I found the video much more delightful for my body than taking the rest day. I strongly hope you will consider her words and and take AT LEAST one workout a week to just feel good! It may be just what you need to rejuvenate your body and mind for the week that follows.
I like workouts that feel good, but I don’t think many regular exercisers spend enough time doing workouts like that. We’re often so worried about working hard, burning calories, building muscle and getting the absolute most out of our workout time, that we forget that doing things that feel good, whether they burn a lot of calories or not, gives us a chance to free our minds from constraints and enjoy simple movement.
Feel-good workouts may fall under any number of categories – cardio, weights, yoga, etc. – but a feel-good workout has some specific characteristics: You look forward to it, it makes your body feel good, you don’t worry about anything else while you’re doing it and, when you’re finished with it you often ask yourself: Why don’t I do that more often?
What’s your feel-good workout? Taking a stroll on a sunny afternoon? A long, stretchy yoga class? A leisurely swim in the pool? I’ve got a new feel-good workout, a total body stretch on the ball. This short, relaxing workout involves a series of stretches using an exercise ball with a focus on the hips, chest and back. I love this workout after a particularly stressful day or just about anytime I need to feel good.
If you go back up a couple of lines to her “total body stretch on the ball.” and click it (it’s supposed to be a link) it will lead you to the routine.
I think I will keep this feel good concept in mind as I wind down my last class of the week. See you there, or here. Have a great Saturday.
I love this “feel-good” idea. In fact, I LOVED your extra stretching time this morning. I felt really relaxed and I REALLY did feel good.
Thank you, Bonni. You just know exactly what to do for all of us!!
My feel good workout is your Tuesday 7pm class.
It wasn’t always, it took quite a while for me to enjoy the slower pace and the deliberation of the exercises we do.
My other feel good workout is the Kickboxing class. It is a total opposite to the Yoga/Pilates routine, but KB makes me feel strong and capable and confident. I always walk away from that class with raging endorphins 🙂
Thanks for the great class this morning Bonni – I always love to spend an hour with you.
Greetings, I have a blog rather like this one and invite you to come check out mine. Yoga, meditation, a natural, healthy lifestyle. All good. Peace to you.
Thank you for this entry, I really appreciate it and your efforts.