If you are one of the many people that suffer with knee pain, and using that as an excuse to NOT exercise, you are probably just making a bad situation, worse. Since lack of exercise weakens muscles which leave joints without ample support, we must all exercise, even if our knees cry a little bit. Low-impact activities that build stamina and strength like walking, swimming, biking, weight lifting and yoga are all medically advised. Exercising will also help shed the pounds and obesity happens to be the single biggest risk factor for osteoarthritis because it speeds the breakdown of cartilage. Every extra pound of weight we carry, puts 3 pounds of pressure on the knee joint while walking and 10 pounds when go down steps, or running. Think about how gracefully Cinderella danced with prince while her wicked (over-weight) step-sister’s knees creaked and cracked with every move.
Around my house the mantra is “you can’t get sick and you can’t get hurt,” and the way we avoid both of those things best is through…(drum roll, please) DIET AND EXERCISE… but you already knew I would say that, right? The very thing that might cause you some pain at the onset, will be the very remedy to that pain, just remember to stay smart and low-impact.
Tomorrow we will talk about the foods that can help or hurt your knees (and all your joints), because we are what we eat!