Good morning and welcome to the day before spring. As mentioned in a recent quote, this is the time to take our winter dreams and make them into reality. If you have been waiting for better weather to get outside and get moving, the time has come. Mitch and I took a nice walk on the beach yesterday and my calves were telling me, though I get plenty of different kinds of exercise during the week, I don’t walk at the beach enough, so personally, I will be working on that. Watching the pool temperature begin to rise, I know that swim time is coming soon. I always look forward to that!
This Wednesday is Kick Butts Day and the Broward County Health Department will be giving out gift bags to those that surrender their cigarettes. The “health pack” includes a pedometer, water bottle, T-shirt, fanny pack and flying disc toy (a Frisbee by any other name?). Nice incentive! If you live locally and still smoke, get there is no time like NOW. For more information on this contact the Health Department at 954-213-0614 or Tobacco Free Florida at or 877-U-CAN-NOW. Get on it this week and by summer you will have done incredible things for your health. Do it for yourself and for your loved ones. Enough is enough!
Yesterday I read two separate articles about yoga and longevity. They were both really interesting and happened to both be about yoga instructors that are in their 90s and still teaching….up to 15 classes a week!!! There was an old Indian quote that in one of the articles that basically translates to “every breath we take with our entire body, gives us another year of living without pain.” The more I practice breathing health and healing into my own body parts, the more pain free I am, so I am all over that quote.
If you are interested in breathing health and healing into your own body and live locally, come on out Friday night for the yin yoga/peaceful Pilates fund-raising class at Tamarac Fitness Center. If you take my Tuesday night class, you can be assured that the Friday night special will be even more relaxing. Dress comfortably. Bring a towel and maybe even a washcloth to cover your eyes. Thanks to everyone who have already given me donation $ to hold your spot. Thanks to everyone near and far who has sent me donation money even though you will not be taking the class. This event will be a great opportunity to raise money for the hungry, but also is a great opportunity to relax and breathe some years of less pain into your own body, if you are able to attend. Sometimes slowing down is a bigger challenge than speeding up, but we ALL need to take time out and just breathe, stretch and relax…and the harder it is to do those things, the more we need to. If you don’t live locally, I hope you will still consider doing some peaceful postures and also be grateful if you aren’t food insecure. While I have never been, I have to imagine it’s a very, very dark place to be.
As I begin my last day of winter, I do it with a great sense of gratitude for having more than enough…I never, ever take for granted what a “lucky girl” I am. If you have food in your belly, clothes on your back and a place to lay your head at night, without fear, you probably have much to be grateful for as well. Let’s celebrate that! Much love.
*** All checks for the fundraiser get made out to The All Saints Soup Kitchen. Cash is also fine as I have gotten a lot of that and will be converting into one big check on behalf of all of you. Thanks, again. The people in my life always make me feel lucky and grateful!
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You get what you give Bon.
You give us all so much – it’s no wonder that you are such a “lucky girl” !!
Thanks for all the knowledge and inspiration!
and we are grateful to you for that you do for us