Thanks, Carole, for always having an answer to my questions! So while I knew it’s Spam, when making reference to the brand name of canned meat, (which was derived from SPiced HAM) and learned yesterday it’s spam when writing about generic brands of canned meat and SPAM when referring to the stuff that shows up on my site or in your mailbox and is an acronym for “Sales Promotion and Marketing.” I think Mitch works hard to make sure the Sales and Promotion Marketing he sells, doesn’t end up in one’s SPAM file. Hmmmmm. What a conundrum.
Thanks, Suzanne, for a great article called The Only Exercise You’ll Ever Need: Walking. It’s focus is a 51 year old Rick Genter who lost 186 pounds by changing his eating and getting started on a walking program. Once unable to walk very far, he built up to a 30 minute walk every day during his lunch break and found that he LOVED it in the way a runner gets a high. He now actually walks 7 miles to work each morning, and 7 miles back home! He lives, by the way, in Boston, so like the mailman, weather is no excuse for him. Just another example of how we don’t need to join a gym, buy a treadmill or hire a trainer to get fit. We just have to put one foot in front of the other and repeat most every day! At 195 pounds, Rick has maintained his weight goal for 9 years and says the biggest reason is walking.
I’ll end today’s entry with a quote the article began with.
“I have two doctors, my left leg and my right leg.”
–George Trevelyan, in 1913 about the benefits of walking