Though it’s been a frustrating wait, it’s good news to see the pain pill pushers FINALLY getting taken down! I can’t stop applauding the grass roots efforts of those 3 local ladies, Joy, Janet and Renee, at STOPPNOW. If 3 people with a cause and a passion can make the kind of progress that they have, there is no stopping the “99%” who are occupying Wall Street and most every street!
“Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” -Margaret Mead
Thanks to a small group of people who came up with a win-win-win situation back in the 90s, SilverSneakers continues to grow and that is great news. As open enrollment begins next week, keep your eyes open for insurance providers that offer YOU wellness benefits. The market is growing and locally we welcome Coventry Insurance to the list of providers offering the SilverSneakers benefit. Remember that if you are a local and know of someone who is looking for a place to take class after the middle of the night closing of Sunrise Fitness Center (aka Golds Gym) invite them to come on over and take class with us at Tamarac Fitness Center.
Still another small group making big news. The food trucks are “piling up,” up tonight and locally they will be gathering from 5-10 pm at 5350 W. Sample Road. Maybe tonight will be the night I finally try the vegan Mac’n truck!
Finally, the smallest of seeds gone large…how did my chia pudding come out? I like it, but I like most everything. Seriously. Definitely resembles rice pudding but you have to be ok with seeds in your pudding. Personally, I’ll probably stick with eating them on my salads or in a shake, but with as much nutritional value as those little guys pack in a serving, I will definitely be including them in my daily diet.
In keeping with the theme of today’s blog, remember that taking one small step can lead to huge change!
Make it a fantastic Friday and as always, thanks for stopping in.
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