Time is up. Today is the last day for ANY excuses! You cannot turn on a television, listen to the radio, read a magazine or the daily newspaper without the annual January fitness/diet programs, ads and articles smacking you in the gut. Special rates, motivational tips, predictions, projections and downright frightening headlines like “…your not too young for a heart attack,” are everywhere we turn. If diet and exercise are on your new year’s resolution list, today is the last day you might be able to get away with bacon at breakfast or wings and beer while watching Sunday afternoon football. Tomorrow the bell tolls for everyone.
All over the world the traffic inside gyms will soar come tomorrow. Some of us that fell out of the fitness spin during the year, will jump back in. Resolutions will be realized as newbies find the best deals and best spots to workout. For a little help selecting a gym, you can go to my links page and click thebeautybean, then SWEAT and then read my article about the questions to ask before joining a gym. Hopefully that will be helpful to anyone who is new to the gym arena. If I can offer one tip, I would say DON’T FEEL PRESSURED! There is no reason you can’t think about your decision before you sign on the dotted line.
If you are returning to the gym (or your workout program) after some time away, be sure to get your groove back slowly. Most of us tend to jump in with all fours and then end up too sore, too sick, or too defeated by mid February. Get in the gym, limit your workout to no more than an hour, give yourself rest days and make yourself CRAVE the workouts instead of dreading them. Following this technique will serve you well when others have fallen out, while you are planning your days and weeks around your workouts.
This week, after a 3 week break, a new season of Biggest Loser will begin. Tune in Tuesday night to meet the teams that will be competing this season. If you have not been watching this show, I recommend you tune in for some motivation and education. Just keep in mind that these people have only one job and that is to lose the most weight of the “cast” in order to yes, regain health and wellness, but also to win the grand prize of a quarter of a million dollars. Realize that your results will definitely NOT be like theirs, but if you can lose 2 pounds every single week of the show, you’ll be down somewhere around 30 pounds by the finale. If you don’t think that is substantial, go pick up a 30 pound child and carry him or her around for a little while! How quickly you will see how much 30 pounds extra is!!!
I will be returning to my regular work schedule this week and you can find my schedule by clicking the link on my home page. At Tamarac Fitness we look forward to adding SilverSneakers classes this month. If you are medicare advantage eligible, check the SilverSneakers website and see if you can participate in a gym local to you. That website can be found on my links page. Just insert your zip code and you will get a list of local gyms. Keep in mind that you are NOT limited to the classes, but in fact get a full membership paid for through your insurance.
My class at Fusion Fitness is on hold until we figure out what would be the best class format for the time slot I have available. My Bally schedule will remain as is. Once I can sit down with my webmaster, you’ll see some changes to names of some of my classes. This is NOT a change in format, just a change in name to better reflect what the class really is.
Thanks to everyone for their feedback and questions. I will be addressing some of the questions in an upcoming blog, soon. I appreciate all the feedback and thanks to those of you who have been spreading the word about this site.
Enjoy your day. More to come…
yogaboga says
Can you kindly suggest some places to take yoga while I am in Broward County?
Daniel says
great post, thanks for sharing