Well, the month and the challenge are moving along quickly. If you are still playing along at home, today we do 45 sit ups, 30 crunches, 30 leg raises and 35 seconds in plank.I am going to get right to it after I hit the “publish” button.
Continuing to keep all good thoughts for the Edwards family as little James continues to recover from his near drowning last week. This story has basically ripped my heart out, but late Saturday I got this incredible feeling that he is going to be just fine. The community has proven how we are all connected and has totally taken over fundraising and support for the families of the little Ninja. The donation site, created just 2 days ago, has already raised over $30,000 as of last night. If you would like to contribute, here is a link: http://www.gofundme.com/turtlepowerforjames.
If you live in Coral Springs, you probably know their families or certainly someone that does. If you aren’t familiar with the story, you can click one of the articles below to learn more. I try not to share too much sadness on this site, but communities must come together in a time of need, and this is just one of those times. Look at this little guys beautiful face and if you have no money to donate, please send him all the positivity you can.
Now, back to the ab challenge. Ready, set….I am off!
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