Just a few of the things Dave Zinczenko, the publisher of Men’s Health (and the guy who does “Eat This, Not That”) is tweeting about:
Rise and Dine: People who regularly skip breakfast add 1.8″ to their waistlines, according to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Stop the Yo-Yo: Consume a quarter of your calories from protein, Danish researchers say, to lose twice as much weight.
Rot Smiler: Energy drinks are 11 times more damaging to teeth than regular sodas, according to a University of Maryland study. Did you hear that Derek?
Cut the Paper: People using paper plates tend to eat more, as meals feel like snacks. Hmmmm
and I will leave you with this one…
What Winners Know: Build momentum at sunrise and nobody will catch you all day.
Let’s get busy building some momentum and make it an awesome Saturday.
Rob Scott says
I’d never leave skip breakfast. I don’t know how some people manage to do it