Having participated in other GO GRATITUDE group “experiments,” in the past, I always find their very simple meditations to be too easy and too good to pass up being a part of. The newest project is so simple and focuses on only two words…two of my favorite words. Love and gratitude. Beginning May 20th, the GO GRATITUDE people are suggesting we take time to do some deep breathing daily, for 42 days, focusing on the word LOVE with each inhalation and GRATITUDE with each exhalation. Imagine the beautiful energy that can come out of huge numbers of people around the world breathing love and gratitude? If you can, perhaps you would like to participate, too. With a loving heart and and an attitude of gratitude, all things are possible. For more info, go to the GO GRATITUDE link right here at peaceandfitness.com. or visit them at gogratitude.com

Thanks, Bonni, for this simple yet effective meditation idea. I love the visual, also. I know what I will be thinking for the next 42 days!! Question…….why 42??????
Rita, I am not sure why 42 days, but they have done other “projects” in the past and they, too, have been 42 days–this one starts today, having something to do with the solar eclispse….go to bloominghumans.com and you can learn more…while there is a suggestion for a donation, they make it clear it is NOT at all necessary!