Yesterday was by far, one of the most emotional days ever. After finding out about the ridiculously premature passing of our niece, we became part of the “walking around in a state of shock,” gang. Knowing exercise is always better for EVERY part of us, I went and taught at 9:30. As I said to my sister, after over 30 years of teaching fitness, I have become extremely skilled at leaving my personal “stuff” at the door when I enter a fitness facility, knowing that if it’s important, it will be right there where I left it, on the way out, and the feeling of accomplishment mixed with the endorphins, really does help, even on the worst of days. Needless to say, my “stuff” was right where I left it.
Mitch and I had decided a couple of weeks ago, that we wanted to attend the rally for Bob Levinson, yesterday in Coral Springs, so we decided to stick with that plan instead of walking around feeling helpless. If you are reading this and you aren’t sure who Bob Levinson is, PLEASE do a google search, click the link above, or look for his page on Facebook. He is the longest American to be held in captivity–9 years– (believed to have been held in Iran). He happens to have lived and raised his family of 7 children, right here in my town, Coral Springs. While my emotional state was already so fragile, listening to each of his children speak was absolutely heart wrenching, and tears were uncontrollable for the entire afternoon. Each speaking about all the moments that have been so important, that they have missed sharing with their dad. Each of us in attendance was asked to keep talking about Bob as part of their @whataboutBob campaign, so here I am…talking again. Please pass it on, for there is no doubt about what the power of caring people AND the social media can accomplish!
This message hit home when I looked at Facebook this morning. I saw that a couple of pages were started by some of my niece’s friends. There is one page called a food train which allows people to either pick a day they want to bring food to my nephew and the twins, or donate money for food to be brought in. The second page is a GOFUND me page which a friend of the family started less than 24 hours ago. Last time I checked it was well over 23,o00 dollars!!! I always knew how much Lori was loved but this is just amazing and my heart is so touched by all the hands coming together to hold her family up at this most difficult time. Reading the comments, it is so clear that EVERYONE who came in contact with her, was taken by how big her heart was. Additionally, my nephew is a police officer, and I know his fellow officers and co-workers will continue to have his and his family’s back. For all of this, I am so grateful.
Sarah, Lori and Dave…
I am taking things one day at a time, so I am still here in Florida. I WILL be teaching and training tomorrow on my regular schedule. Things will remain on schedule until you hear otherwise. If you are a gym student, please continue to check this site regularly. As I said yesterday, Ellen will be here for 8:30am or 11:30 SilverSneakers, IF I am not.
Thanks to all of you for all your love, kindness, generosity and support. Your family, my family, the Levinson family–We are really all very much the same and very much connected. Much love………..
My heart and prayers go out to you and your family and this sad time. Its never easy to loose any one especially one so young. Have a safe trip, and give all of your family members the support they need.
Thank you very much, Judi..appreciate your words. xoxox