If I have said it once, I have said it a bazillion times, but I have to say it again. My students are sooo awesome. All I did was mention the fund-raising class I am doing and people starting handing me donations. I wasn’t even prepared for that, but I have now officially started an envelope and my goal is to raise $1,000 by March 29. That can feed a lot of hungry mouths! Thank you for kicking off my March Mission!
Congratulations to my webmaster, on his new set of wheels and even though you are leaving them behind, have a great business road trip! Looks like it will be a while longer before I (he) figures out why my images aren’t making it to Facebook, but it’s all good. To think we started this website as a way to get my schedule up when I had to leave my LA Fitness students behind. Who knew I would take to blogging every single morning?!?! I will always remember what you told me, Kyle…it’s my site and so I can do anything I want with it. Thank you for empowering me with those words. In reading the “about the author” at the end of Chopra’s most current book, I know why I love him so much. He bills himself as a promoter of peace, health and well-being. Those are always the messages I want to spread, too…here and everywhere.
In speaking about choices, Chopra sums up something I wish I had read years ago…something we should be teaching our children from early on….something we can relate to every area of our lives, including, yes, diet…and exercise! He says
“When you make any choice at all you can ask yourself two things: First of all, what are the consequences of this choice that I am making? In your heart you will immediately know what these are. Secondly, will this choice that I’m making bring now bring happiness to me and to those around me? If the answer is yes, then go ahead with the choice. If the answer is no, if that choice brings distress either to you or to those around you, than don’t make that choice. It’s as simple as that. There is ONLY once choice, out of the infinity of choices available in every second, that will create happiness for as well as those around you…At the moment you consciously make a choice, pay attention to your body….If your body sends a message of comfort, that’s the right choice. If your body sends a message of discomfort, then it’s not the appropriate choice. ” And of course, he reminds us to listen to our hearts and wait for a sensation because, “most people think the heart is mushy and sentimental but it’s NOT. The heart is intuitive; it’s holistic, it’s contextual, it’s rational. The heart has a computing ability that is far more accurate and far more precise than anything within the limits of rational thought.”

I have read these words over and over again. They have really impacted me in a very positive way and are definitely helping me, even with my food choices. I hope they will do the same for you.
I’ll be at TFC for senior strength training at 11:30, cardio-sculpting (or what I really call “instructors choice”) at 6 and yoga/Pilates at 7. It’s going to be incredibly hard to watch Biggest Loser tonight without Chism…but it’s a TV show and there is always hope we see him again!