“The strong can afford to be gentle.”
—unknown sensei
Having just spent 30 minutes doing guided meditation, I am even more aware of how desperate our society is to dip into this practice in an effort to gain strength, clarity and physical and mental wellness. It is said that 70-90% of all illness is related to stress. I am so thankful to educators, like our very own Rita Geller, who understand that teaching young children yoga and meditation is every bit as important as teaching them reading and writing. I can’t help but believe that if time was set aside every day for students to turn down the noise in their mind and find their own heart centers we could avoid tragedies such as the one in Connecticut this past week. We could all argue gun control and the right to bear arms, but arguing is never productive. There is more mental illness today than ever before and more people, including young children, taking medication (that in some cases could make things worse). We need to think about prescribing meditation instead of (or at least in addition to) prescribing medication. Gentle doesn’t make us weak….reread the quote, and find it’s quite the opposite. Hoping you will ponder this and together we can all make a difference….namaste!

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