Clearly I have been in “song lyric” mode, this week, when putting a title on my entries.
Since drawing the Oracle card about boundaries, last week in class, I have had so many thoughts and conversations about just that. How do we set them without hurting other? One way, is by having a well balanced throat chakra that allows us to SPEAK OUR TRUTH WITH LOVING KINDNESS. We have to know what we want, what we won’t accept and how to let others know exactly where we stand, without it being too hurtful. Always come from love and kindness. This is something we see so little of these days, especially on social media.
An imbalanced throat chakra may lead to physical ailments like sore throats, thyroid issues, neck and shoulder tightness and more. As with all chakras (and all EVERYTHING) balance is key. Understimulated, you might feel a lump in your throat or feel victimized and often remain quiet. Overstimulated, you may talk too much, give away too much info and get loud and/or aggressive when speaking.
Always remember that your truth may not be someone else’s and vice-versa! That said, your truth IS your truth.
Before it dip out, I want to say that YES, I have been a bit over focused on sharing info about yoga and mediation. I am still all about ALL the legs of fitness. Cardio, strength training and flexibility are all of equal importance and I am hitting all of them personally and with friends and clients. Maintaining both good mental health and healthy relationships during this pandemic, especially, yoga and meditation seem to be extra helpful. Deep inside the soul is where our truth is found.
Reader Interactions
Hi Bonnie
I continue to learn from you even though I am in a different state. I am so grateful for your posts and cherish the friendship that we shared so many years ago
Love you
Becky Sara
Becky!! Thank you so much for your sweet words. I cherish it as well!!! xoxox
Hi Bonnie
I continue to learn from you even though I am in a different state. I am so grateful for your posts and cherish the friendship that we shared so many years ago
Love you
Becky Sara
Becky!! Thank you so much for your sweet words. I cherish it as well!!! xoxox