We can’t stop this crazy world from spinning, but we can all keep a tool box full of simple steps to decrease the stress in our own lives. This morning, we share a few of those tips that may seem too simple to work, but they do. We all need to stand up for ourselves and our own health and try some of these proven de-stressers.
Get walking. This time, I don’t mean walking as in exercise, but instead walking away from a stressful situation in the making. If you are somewhere and there is someone that you know is going to start a conversation about any of the many things that will push your buttons (like politics, global warming, etc.) start walking in the opposite direction.
Close your eyes. We tend to underestimate the value of closing our eyes for just a few minutes and disassociating with the world around us. This is of great health value to our central nervous system and might be all you need to find your peace.
Retreat to your peaceful place. Everyone should have a safe haven to retreat to. This might a room in your home, a spot under a tree or even a chair. If it has to be the bathroom, that always works! Time spent in solitude allows our nervous system to regenerate and it doesn’t take long!
Get outside! A little time spent in the great outdoors can quickly turn a frown upside down. Water will intensify this effect. If you can sit by any type of water it will help calm you. Even drinking a big glass of water can help calm you down when you are overly excited. You can also try taking a bath or shower after coming in from the outdoors. Funny, but a few weeks ago while out training with Jane we got caught in a really heavy downpour. Instead of being upset, we both felt rejuvenated. Getting caught in the rain can be a very organic experience.
Last but best…BREATHE DEEPLY! Remember that breathing is the first and last thing we do on this Earth. The benefits of deep breathing are too long to list, but way at the top would be stress reduction. Take a deep breath and let everything go on the exhalation. Repeat several times, each time releasing stress and negativity. In just a couple of minutes your whole world we be better.
Talk about stressful, how about watching that basketball game last night. I was doing a lot of breathing and definitely a whole lot of closing my eyes. Great win by our Miami Heat in OT. Great series when it all comes down to game 7. I’ll be watching that one from outside, or in the shower while breathing deeply with my eyes closed!
Have a happy hump day and thanks for stopping in!

Love all these suggestions!!!
Thanks, Sista, Sista!