Remembering a conversation I had with another SilverSneaker instructor, I decided to go a step further with the smiling idea, and wanting to find a little more elf in each of our s-elves, I add some laughter therapy into our class yesterday. By simply forcing one good bout of laughter out, the group starting doing the same. Inside of one-minute, many of the 40 or so class participants were laughing, some to the point of hysteria! It surely is contagious. It was great to hear (and feel) the energy of all that laughter. It is DEFINITELY something I will be doing more at work and at play. Laughter…it does a body good.
Happy Vegan Thursday everyone…regardless of which side of that chicken joint’s side you were on yesterday, think about an animal free meal or two today. I am off to have my blood work done. First time since I went to an entirely plant-based diet almost 2 and half years ago, so I am very curious about what the tests will reveal, and of course I will share them with you. Make it a great day and remember to find time to truly lol…LAUGH OUT LOUD!
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To piggy-back on your laughter idea, there is a new trend called Laughter Yoga that is sweeping around many of the big cities in the US. Groups of people gather together with a certified yoga laughter instructor and just laugh!!!! I read several articles about all the benefits of laughing and that has been my New Year’s Resolution for 2 years…….laugh at least once a day. I have not seen any classes in our area that offer laughter yoga. So……I am looking forward to your new technique in class and hopefully I will add your strategy to my daily routine.
Thanks for that moment of laughter in class yesterday. It was certainly contagious.
Thanks for playing along, Bev! The group, laughing together, was beautiful music to my ears. We will try to include this more often. And YOU are doing such a great job, coming consistently and taking advantage of the program. GREAT JOB! See you in class.